Mini scuba tank reviews: testimonials from regular users
Mini scuba tank reviews: testimonials from regular users
MiniDive is the pioneer of mini scuba tanks, the invention dates back to 2015 with a commercialization in 2016, the craze was very strong from the beginning with a strong communication on several networks. We will come back on some of them in this article.
The opinion of Gentlemanmoderne magazine
The purpose of the test carried out by this website was to test the product in order to give an opinion, the pack tested is one of the first pack proposed by minidive, the mini dive pro 0,5 L + manual pump M4S, this pack is not available anymore, it was replaced by a compressor as a means of refilling.
"We have tested for you the MiniDive, a mini diving tank that allows you to stay between 5 and 10 minutes underwater, in order to observe fish and sea bed. It can also be used in a more practical way, to check the state of a boat's hull or the functioning of a swimming pool's siphon for example. This mini scuba tank is manually recharged thanks to the pump supplied with it (it is possible to use other means such as a mini electric compressor), that's the interest of the product! Also, it is important to specify that the MiniDive is intended for the general public, it is not necessary to have any diving knowledge to use it!"
The rest of the article can be found here:
Key words : best experience , breathing underwater , diving club , air inside
Mini scuba tank review by Spotmydive
Great French and international media in the world of diving, Spotmydive also had the opportunity to try the minidive products in 2016, there too the pack tried was the minidive pro 0.5 L + manual pump M4S.
"The MiniDive is an invention made in France that makes the practice of diving accessible to all. The MiniDive is a mini scuba tank that weighs only 2.5 kg, and its capacity of 0.5 liter will allow you to go down to 5 meters deep, and to stay between 5 to 10 minutes underwater safely. To recharge it, it is very simple, a bicycle pump will be enough for you, and it will take you 15 minutes to fill the bottle. If this seems too tedious, no problem, you can use a classic diving compressor. It is also possible to replace the empty compressed air cylinder with an already filled one! The Minidive will be on sale in early 2017 for the price of 749 euros, and you'll need an additional 120 euros if you want to purchase a second cylinder."
Their full article can be found in full here:
Key words : mini scuba tank review, mini scuba tank review, small tank, compressed air
Small scuba tank, Neozone review
Neozone has an innovation section on its website of over 800,000 subscribers, first written in 2016, the update of this article is from 2018. Neozone had communicated on our kickstarter participatory funding campaign conducted in November 2016. The product had been very well received by the critics.
"The MiniDive is a mini aluminum scuba tank with a capacity of 0.5 liter (30.5 cu in). It inflates to 200 bars and is used with a traditional regulator. Its small capacity gives it an autonomy of 5 and 10 minutes, a duration which will depend on the experience of the diver and the physical effort provided during the dive.
Contrary to traditional diving cylinders, the MiniDive can be recharged with a simple hand pump like a bicycle pump! It takes about 330 strokes and 15 minutes to fully recharge.
In addition to its hand pump, the MiniDive can also be filled with a mini compressor, a traditional diving compressor or from an already inflated classic diving cylinder.
The use of the bottle is intended for the general public for leisure and discovery as well as for sailors wishing to intervene on the hull of their boat.
For obvious reasons, it is limited to a depth of 3m as specified by the manufacturer. You will also find inside the pack, all the safety rules governing scuba diving. Finally, all products meet the mandatory standards of diving (EN250 2014/68 / EU, etc ...) The Minidive will be available early next year from 389 € on Kickstarter (tank, refill pump, harness and carrying bag).
Find the whole article written by Alexandre Bonazzi here:
Key words : aluminum tanks , 200 bar , electric compressor
Mini 2 liter Sustain Europe review
This is the most recent article (2021) of our selection, it has been realized by an English magazine specialized in the field of yachting and renewable products to all Europe, entirely written in English it is not access on a single product but more on the general approach of minidive towards the environmental cause very important for us.
"Compared to some sports sectors, watersports have been relatively slow to embrace the message of sustainability and accessibility. Yet traditional watersports are some of the worst offenders when it comes to environmental damage, causing noise pollution and chemical pollution on the land, on the sea and in the air. They also tend to disturb marine and waterside habitats. They also offer poor accessibility for those who have limited mobility—and those who don’t have a limitless amount of cash.
Wouldn’t it be good if there was a fun, easy to grasp, accessible, environmentally friendly watersport that you could participate in, without the need for hugely expensive equipment or qualifications? One that could get you up close and personal to wildlife, rather than driving it away and damaging its habitat?
Luckily, there is. And we predict that, just like paddleboarding, its popularity will begin to grow exponentially, and that soon it will be The Next Big Thing. So just remember that you heard about it here first!
We present: the MiniDive."
Also readable on this link:
Mot clefs : 20 minute , fonds marins , bouteille de plongée , 300 bars
Please note that there is a very large number of other articles on mini dive, this is only an exhaustive selection.
All comments
Excellent article! Thank you for your excellent post, and I look forward to the next one. If you're seeking for discount codes and offers, go to couponplusdeals.com.
@JM oui MiniDive précise bien qu'il faut une pompe haute pression, une pompe a vélo classique ne monte pas assez haut en pression
"Pour le recharger, c’est tout simple, une pompe à vélo vous suffira": c'est une bonne pompe à vélo, pour aller à 200bars!
Minidive Bonjour, après un premier gonflage de la bouteille avec la pompe, je n’arrive pas à décrocher le raccord de la pompe à la bouteille y a-t-il une technique ?
Minidive Bonjour, après un premier gonflage de la bouteille avec la pompe, je n’arrive pas à décrocher le raccord de la pompe à la bouteille y a-t-il une technique ?